Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is saturday December 19th 2009 and iam at the Super 8 motel 155 walpers lake road Brooklyn Michigan about 15 miles from Jackson lastnigh the Catholic Deacon from St. Joes Shrine Catholic Church put me in a motel for the night its a snowy morning the roads are slushy and slick and they are expecting 2 inches of snow i came here to eat breakfast and drink coffee the remander of my journeys will be spent dealing with the winter iam not going any farther east then the state of Minnesota as this journey begins to wind down as April 26th 2010 begins to arrive the State of Michigan has been very difficult to get support from the christian organizations to0morrow i will talk with the Methodist and Episcopalian people and then starting monday will begin to deal with other christian organizations snd see if the Christmas spirit and the cold weather of these last 4 months changes how they treated me during the warmer months and iam curious to see if any of these small town newspaper reporters approach me concerning my journeys as the cold weather appears and i look totally insane rideing in below zero wind-chill factors it should be an interesting 18 weeks i came over to the public library to use the internet there is a Presbyterian Church across the street and the Episcopal People are here i may talk to them i need a warm pair of ski-gloves and decide do i go into Jackson for the night or just head towards Indiana this appears to be a peaceful and fairly safe town havent seen any police harrassment no craack-whores very little litter or Graffiti just listened to people complain about society and the Government

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