Monday, December 21, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is Sunday December 20th 2009 and iam at the United Methodist Church in Jackson Michigan i got in Jackson lastnight upon arriving i stopped at a Wendys and was talking with a man about my journeys he gave me 20 dollars and told me about an Inter-Faith shelter that was feeding in about one hour i went down to the shelter and ate it had snowed on me all day they were expecting a couple inches and all my stuff was wet so i went down to the shelter locked my bicycle up and went in and ate after talking to people and tired of the weather i decided to stay i was told to take a paper down to the police station for a background check when i arrived i explainned i wasnt going to lock the bike up outside with a bunch of crack-heads and crack-whores running around he had me put my bicycle in an enclosed area out back i then asked if i could shower and wash clothes he stated no you have to be a resident to do that i asked where to put my back-pack he stated it would be safe by my bunk i talked with a few of the people about my journeys and went to sleep the following morning before breakfast he assigned jobs to all but me and then after breakfast the people started setting iup chairs i asked what was going on he stated we are setting up for church he then made the remark it is manditory you attend church here that remark was made to the people who stay there i asked cant they go to a church of their choice his reply no i then went to my back-pack and my money ski-gloves and head phones were gone i then went down the street to the United Methodist Church and talked to the pastor he had his wife take me to a sporting goods storte and bought me a pair of Gordidi Ski gloves i then stopped at the First Baptist Church trying to get stuff washed and the reply we help no one i then stopped at the Calvary Methodist Church and talked with a female minister whos name was Lillian the Methodist people were the ones who had done the feeding the night before at the shelter reconized me and approached in the female minister gave me 20 dollars to wash clothes i then decided to leave Jackson i then rode into Concord Michigan and stopped at the First Baptist Church there they had a meal after service and took me back into Jackson and put me in the motel 6 the date is now Monday December 21st 2009 and iam at the public library ive decided to get the hell out of Michitgan as quick as possible iam going to talk to the churchs about the garbage at the shelter then leave

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