Monday, December 14, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is Monday Drcember 14th 2009 and iam at St. Pauls Episcopal Church and here are your typical Baptist people at their best lastnight in Clyde Ohio i stoppes at a big look at me Gaptist Church i had gotten caught in a snow storm and everything was soaked wet i couldnt find the Episcopal or Methodist people but i found a church with a big flashing sign claimming to be christian they were haveing a childrens christnas play and concert i went and sat thru the program and upon its concullision i approached the pastor and asked if i could talk to him he pointed me to an area where they were haveing refreshments after the program and told me to go wait in the recreation hall and eat some refreshments i went in and waited he never approached me so i started asking people where he was they found him and he returned and sent me to a police officer stateing he sould help me i explained to him i needed to earn some money to eat on i needed a shower and some stuff washed he flat out stated we dont help any one and this is how sorry the church was here is how there christmas program went they had 3 men on stage representing the Salvation Armys bell-ringers as the children approached the bell-ringers the children were only willing to give gifts the bell ringers replied we help alot of people we need money and rgw program was ended with total disrespect for the Salvation Army at the end i sat down and talked with this cop he openly admitted the church didnt help anyone and this is what he did he tootk me to a laundry mat afyer putting my sleeping bag in a washer to small to completly rense it which they had at the church put 2 dollars in the dryer and left the sleeping bag never got dry i rode a short distance on 20 west found a field laid my tent down rolled out the sleeping bag and then this morning rode into Fremont and stopped at the Episcopal Church and sat thru an A,A, meeting the secretary called the priest who will meet me at 2 p.m. i then went to the Lutheran and Methodist pastors explainning i need to get into Totedl and get a room and clean up they both gave me 20 dollars i ate and then came to the library iam curious to see if at anytime between now and christmas if there will be any compassion with the Baptist Church of Christ or Assembly of God people or they remain the same just let me tell you about Jesus and Salvation but nothing but talk here

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