Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ulyomate Price To Pay

the date today is Thrusday December 10th 2009 iam at Christ Episcopal Church in Ober;
lin Ohio i got caught in some good snow today and its starting to get chilly t the roads in spots have ice so it makes it a more stressful ride its been hard keeping my hands and feet warm this is a s,all majority all white town with a small college i tried talking to a methodist pastor and he ran me go to some community action center knowing dam well i cant play ther paper work game and that will most likely be the exccuse the xhurchs use to kick one to the curb the Episcopalian church lets the community use there parish hall to feed this afternoon i went in and ws talking to a young black lady who was cooking the food started about 4 before serving time in our discussion i asked her5e who cooked the food and how many she stated her and her alone she said one day she missed so the churchs ordered pizza the Seventh-Day Adventist people are here and meeet tonight iam going to try and pull just enough money to wash clothes eat and go this town is a trip i talked to i think it was a united church of christ and recieved a typical we support the feeding program but not one willing to help prepare the food

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