Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

iam still in Northfueld i wanted to check this majority all white little college town Carlton College and St,Olaf colleges are here from what i was told highly priced so tthe schhols are almost all white and the students are from wealthy families lastnight i went in the Eagles Club just had my bicycle out front went in and just checked things out had a few conversations with the people not much a few questioned me about my journeys and admitted it was the freedoms of my journeys that people were jealous of here is how one man i quess was trying to impress himself we were talking aboiut my journeys and the freedoms they entale i was talking about rolling sleeping bags out on the snow and going to sleep i just explained iam use to it he then re-plys you can come crash on the couch i just continued to visit people next thing i know he states iam going home you can go sleep on the snow i replied ive done it alot its all part of my journeys we talked about the people in the State of Minnesota for some reason he thought they would be as friendly as any State i told him i really wouldnt know until i sat down and read the bppk but i seriously doubt its close to the friendliest churches have called the police on me and ive recieved alot of smart mouth remarks in mINNESOTA

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