Monday, February 22, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date is Feb 21st 2010 iam in Benson Minnesota at Saint Farancis Xavier Catholic Church they are haveing a youth retreat and iam waiting to talk with a Priest the Episcopal and Methodist people atre not here there are a couple Lutherab Churchs and a Baptist i tried talking with both the Baptist and Lutheran people trying to get some stuff washed it was a typical respopnse from your Baptist people you have to go somewhere else i even got the same response from the Lutheran people well i got ahold of Father he took me to his home fed me washed my clothes and let me stay the night it is now Monday Feb 22nd iam at the Best Western Victorian Inn when i got here avross the street i stopped at a Burger King and a man saw my back-pack and bicycle out front and started talking with me about my journeys i asked if there was an Episcopal Church here and if not where was the Catholic Church he pops off we have an orginization here set up by the churchs i explainned every town has a wanna be ministerial alliance or an organization the churchs who dont want to help people dump things off on but i need the Catholic Methodist or Episcopalian people kind of ended the conversation he wanted to talk about the Assembly Of God people i stated no thanks in almost 5 years only one Assembly Of God Church has ever done anything for me its a brisk but beautiful day from here its highway 15 south i will start cutting east before i get down into Missouri i told myself i will not go back into that state its been rough getting support in Minnesota but ive made it

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