Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date is Feb 17th 2010 iam at the motel 7 615 fromtier drive Fergus Falls Minnesota thye Methodist Pastor put me in for the night and the Presbyterian pastor took me out to dinner and we talked he felt i had become bitter in all i had seen the last few years in dealing with the Ch5ristian Organizations Thursday Feb 18th i came over to the Best Western to use there internet and lastnight and this morning was a total drag i figured i would do like so many of the American people do i would watch Nancy Grace and i would watch some news there was not a better way to ruien my whole day and even into this morning it defiently was a waste of time and totally depressing a perfect way for the American News Media to control ones way of thinking its a beautiful clear crisp morning in the State of Minnesota from here i will take 59 south to 55 est to 15 south as i make my way into Iowa and return to Cincinniti Uhio and the Gates Of Heaven Ceremony hopefully the beauty of todays ride will set my mind back on the peacefulness of the freedoms of my journeys and take the news garbage off my mind

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