Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

i am at the Americ Inn at 1615 North Lakeshore Drive Lake City Minnesota a man at the United Methodist Church put me here upon arriving I talked with the methodist pastor while waiting to talk with the pastor i was talking with a man about my journeys and he stated if the pastor could not help me to contact him the pastor took me down to the police station which was suppose to issue motel vouchers but the motel they used only had 6 rooms available during the winter they didnt think they got enough business to heat more then 6 and they were all full so the pastor took me back to the motel and the christian man took me down and paid for the room himself.its another brisk morning after Minneapolis iam not sure which direction i will head there is a Dorothy Day Catholic ran shelter in St, Paul i will most likely stop at that one and a shelter in Minneapolis and talk with the people staying there and trapped on the streets and see just how much good the shelter does as compared to keeping them trapped and enableing them to continue to live a lifestyle of jumping in and out of cars for crack-cocaine and then going to the shelter for food and a warm bed iam sure the downtown churchs in both Minneapolis and St. Paul will have locked front doors and a speaker box one must talk to in order to get in as compared to Saint Marus Catholic Church that was open lastnight at 9;30 p.m.

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