Monday, January 11, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is tuesday Jan 11th 2010 iam at the Super 8 motel 1602 west beltline highway Madison Wisconsin the Lutheran people put me here lastnight once again i went into a bar wearing this black police swat jacket my bicycle and backpack once again just sitting out front i sat at a full bar and before long everyone had moved totally away from me and again no conversationns concerning my journeys or what i was doing in Wisconsin during the winter other then the Lutheran Catholic Methodist and Episcopalian people it has been difficult getting cooperation fro0m churchs because all the areas had what they call traveling shelters and that gave the churchs away out of helping iam going to get rid of the jacket as soon as i can find a warm ski-parka at a goodwill the last 3.5 months need to focus on the American People and how they respond to me during the cold weather and its totally insane that just a black S.W.A.T jacket makes everone think iam a cop it shows how stupid the American people can be its starting to warm up supose to be in the mid 30 degree range will be nice after some below zero wind chill lastnight once again i just thru my tent on the snow rolled out my sleeping bag and went to sleep woke-up with a frozen and muddy sleepingbag as my body temperatyre melts the snow and even brings the ground to mud i may spend a day or so in Madison there are according to the sign i think 350 thousand people here i would like to check out how this shelter compares to the Shelter for the homeless in Chicaga and talk to some of the CrackHeads and see just how effective the shelter is can one just move in for the winter like the christian ran traveling shelter the state of Minnesota is next

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