Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

Sunday Jan 3rd 2010 i made the ride into Chicago Illinois i just road around and was surprised at how clean and safe theimmediate downtown area was upon arriveing i was talking with a male and female bicycle police patroll they took me to 2 hostiles one 15 per night and one 33 but there was no where to lock the bicycle up so they pointed me to the pacicic garden mission which is suposidly ran by the Moody Bible Institution and this is what i saw and what i was told upon arriveing i found out one could not get in until 8 p.m. once inside i had to fill out paper work and was told i must attend church service and i must shower before bed the church service a joke but i learned some stuff talked with a few people and this is what i saw and was told before bed one must attend church service and this is what took place the gideons were there bragging about the bibles they passed out all over the country prisons hospitals ect. asking people to accept jesus and be saved at the end of the service they passed trays asking the homeless people there for money while in service i was talking with a man who stayed there he had been there 2 years leaveing at 6 ,ama ND RETURNING AT 8 P.M. PANHANDLING MONEY FOR cRACK-cOCAINE AND THEN COMING BACK LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT JESUS i didnt stay the night but was told before each meal one must attend church and before bed one must attend church i left and casught the train into lake forest while on the train i met a couple people who rather then put up with the blackmail at the shelter just rode the trains all night and stayed warm Thursday Jan 7th 2010 iam in Richmond Illinois lastnight the catholic people put me in the super-8 motel for the night its a snowy day they are expecting 10-12 inches of snow the female episcopal priest gave me 100 dollars to go on lastnight i stopped at Saint Josephs Catholic Church and thery put me in the super 8 for the night and then this morning i got up and went to a community church of Richmond and was talking with a secretary tring to figure out which road to take from here because for the next 20 miles the road is restricted and she called the police on me but its highway H adios Illinois i didnt do alot of partiny but the Episcopalian and Catholic people did get me thru Wisconsin is next

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