Monday, December 7, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

i made the ride into Cleveland on the way i stopped at St.James Episcopal Church in Painesville Ohio and talked with a female Episcopalian Minister Vanessa E.B. Clark she gavee me 100 dollars to go she was very kind to me i gave her the web0-site information she had me leave and return later aftr checking the web-site she helped me and i made the ride into Cleveland i wanred to find a bar and i wound up in a bar called Cocktails and the first thing i see is a drag-queen but i explainned iam not gay but its a pretty cool bar no-one hassles anytone and it seems to be pretty cool they even have a free customer internet access compurt which iam useing i got daught in some more snoe today as the weather begind to chill-up and April 26th and this journey winds down the state of Michigan is next

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