Friday, November 27, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is wednesday novenber 25th 2009 iam in Hamburg New York at the townhouse bar this morning i stopped at a store to get coffee and was talking with a lady about my journeys her husband who hass now died was a Vietnam Veteran she gave me a tour-rider sno-rider snowmobile jacket it was a drizzly rainny overcast ride but a peaceful ride i have managed to get some support fro0m the christian organizations which has given me a chance to check out this bar ive been to a couple bars and the conversations pretty much the same complainning about the country and the dept they are caught up in Thursday November 26th 2009 iam at most precious catholis church in Angola New York they are haveing a community thanksgiging dinner i ate talked with some people and passed out the web-site information and the catholic priest put me in the Angolia motel for the night Friday Novemger 27th 2009 i made the ride into Dunkirk New York iam on highway 5 its been a nasty mix between rain and snow this morning i stopped at the Clarion Hotel and am useing the internet its been a nasty day today iam about 60 miles from Erie Pennsylvania as i now follow lake Erie and deal with the wind and wind-chill factor from the lake

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