Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

well here is something crazy this morning i was going down to St.Lukes Episcopal church to talk to the priest about re-ordering my Identification i had talked to him yesterday at the motel this morning he called me and asked me to ride down to St Lukes Episcopal Church on second street and we would get things done i left the motel and while rideing down the road i approached the four seasons bar out front the bartender who i guess was working the night i was there called me she had my identification i asked where she found it she stated it was found in the bathroom how it got out of my wallet and on the bathroom floor i have no idea and was totally surprised she even reconigized me when i told the priest about what had happened and wondered how she could of possibly reconized me he stated its the hat not many people wear that type of hat its a genuine Stetson Kentucky Hillbilly hat its a beautiful day in the state of Ohio Shanksville Pennsylvania and the 9-11-01 crashsite is next

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