Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

Tuesday Feb 9th 2010 its a brisk morning iam still in Staples Minnesota lastnight i found a bar and did some partying then found a parking lot thru the tent on the ground crawled in the sleeping bag and went to sleep about 5 a.m. the snow plows were out and a driver saw me i guess according to the police he was worried about my safety after talking with the police they sent me to the amtrak station which was open all night it gave me a chance to warm-up and rest its been rough the last couple days dealing with the chilly weather as wind chill factors around 10 below i made the ride into a town called Perham iam at the Crossing Inns and Suites lastnight i stopped at St, Gabreals Catholic Church the Knights Of Columbus were haveing some type of Military tribute after talking with them a man and women from the church put me in the motel its been nippy the last couple days as wind-chill stays below zero its been a stressful ride long rolling hills and roads poorly plowed traffic just flying by in a hurry to get somewhere Wednesday feb 10th its another brisk morning wind chills at - 9 lastnight i spent some time in a bar called suds it was a trip people contually questioning me about my journeys but i met one man who had heard about me and a female newspaper reporter in the town caught up with me its kind of crazy as i talked with people they tried to compare the freedoms in their lives to the freedomsof my journeys Thursday Feb 11th 2010 its another brisk morning iam still in Perham after leaveing the bar i went in a field by the Super 8 motel dug about a 6 foot by 3 foot hole in the snow rolled the sleeping bag out and went to sleep this morning wind chills at -11 it was kind of crazy lastnight in the bar people tried to take my journeys as a polital statement well i made the ride into Detroit Lakes the Lutheran Pastor from Zion Lutheran put me in the Americas Best Value Inn the weather has started to climb and tem[pertaures has risen to about 15 degrees all-in-all Minnesota has been friendly the churchs have been difficult to deal with but the Lutheran and Catholic people have helped me from here i may go to Fergus Falls they did a couple newspaper interviews on me there from Minnesota its North Dakota South Dakota and Iowa as i begin my way back to Cincinniti Ohio and The Gates of Heaven Ceremony as April 26th approaches and this journey ends i may not go back into the state of Missouri thats where alot of that dirtragmag montain bicycle forums garbage started and i dont feel like dealing with those people there are alot in Kansas City and St Louis if i go back into Missouri i will bypass both areas Cincinniti Ohio here i come

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