Monday, February 1, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date is Feburary 1st 2010 less then 3 more months to go iam at the Holiday Inn 9200 quaday Avenue North East in Otsego Minnesota at the corner of highway 10 west and 169 south lastnight i went into this wanna be fancy lounge with this BELAIR EXCAVATING jacket on its a crazy world when i worn the black police jacket everyone was suspecious of me because they thought i was a cop now iam getting hassled because of the jacket i once again recieved hassles lastnight from some Vietnam Vets concerning my journeys for Carolyn Maupin it was once again what about us trips and you cant ride for something that you were never a part of i explainned iam not rideing in support of the war iam not rideing against the war iam finishing a 5 year bicycle ride April 26th 2010 and iam writeing a book in the memory of Keith Matthew Maupin it was kind of a crazy ordeal lastnight i just rolled the sleeping bag out on top of my tent in a field covered with snow and went to sleep woke up this morning sleeping bag frozen iam on the corner of highway 10 west and 169 southi may start cutting south from here iam in another one of those highly all white areas and lastnight the bar had alot of union workers they have been a trip very very jealous that ive managed to pull this journey off and the freedom it entales but i let them know April 26th 2010 my freedoms end and put on a watch and let society control my life its another brisk 5 degree morning the union workers just seen to complain and its all about dept they have put theirselves in i will flip a coin and decide from here 169 south or 10 west

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