Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

iam at the public library in Shelbure Vermont on highway 7 north i went to the Episccopla Cathedral in Burlington to talk to a priest the priests were not there after talking with a lady she called Trinity Episcopal Church in Shelgure and i was sent there i went in and was talking with a priest about an address to get my licence sent to he was very distrusting and kept questioning me about my journeys i explainned i had cards in my backpack and could verify pastors and such that way people he could call he sent me outside to get the cards and as soon as i walked outside up pulled 2 police officers it was kind of a crazy conversation but after explainning what i was doing the tension eased they told me i was supose to leave i explainned the priest sent me out to get the information they returned to the church then came back and stated the priest would see me i went back in gave him the information and he told me to come back in one hour which i will ive had about as much as i can deal with in the state of Vermont the churchs have sucked and didnt much give a dam and when the Episcopalian people call the police behind ones back no-more needs to be said about the Christian organizations in Vermont iam takeing the ferry boat into New York adias Vermont it sucked

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