Monday, October 5, 2009

The LostSoldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is Sunday October 4th 2009 iam in Symeria Delaware i got here lastnight and rolled my sleeeping bag out behind St. Polycarp Catholic Church this morning got up and went into the hurch i wanted to talk to a priest and see if he knew anyone who went into the Delaware State Prison for bible studies i had ridden by it lastnight as soon as i went into the church a women approached me and we started talking i explainned to her i wanted to see a priest see got on a cellular phone and acted as she was attempting to contact one after her attempt she stated no one is around a few seconds later in walks a priest we talk a few minutes he did not know where the Kairos Prison Ministry people were he gave me some money to eat on and then walked over and as talking with some parishoners the lady saw me still in church and approached the priest and stated he is still here the replied its alright i then went to the Methodist and Episcopal Churchs trying to get ahold of my parents concerning my Identification and both replies owe well so sad kiss my but but you can stay for church if you want i then went to an A.M.E Church and they gave me 20 dollars for the road i have about 60 miles until i catch the boat into New Jersey i stopped at Wolfies bar and retaurant they had a real good 8.99 buffet during the Redskins -Buccaneers football game it was a peaceful quiet bar its now Monday October 5th iam at the sleep inn in Dover lastnight i hust rolled my sleeping bag out underneath some trees along side the road next to the bar and then this morning got up and made the ride into Dover i may stay here a couple days and try and get the bicycle tuned up and figure out how to get ahold of my license the people in Delaware have bee friendlyso far

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