Monday, September 28, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

iam at the Sheraton Washington North Hotel in Beltsville Maryland i just got here Washington D,C, sucked couldnt find anyone to photogragh the Vietnam Wall or do anything iam at a Starbucks in Falls Church Virginia i got here lastnight i stopped at St. James Catholic Church the priest gave me 30 dollars to go on it rained hard on me lastnight it rainned solid all night there was no where to pitch a tent so i just thru the tent over me stayed fairly dry earier i had stopped at Falls Church which claims to be Anglican the pastor wasnt there no one would let me pitch a tent so i just got soaked but i found out the Episcopalian people met at the Presbyterian church just down the road i went to the church this morning a man was unlocking the door to go in i approached him and he started questioning me i explainned i was there to see the Episcopal Priest i was told they met there he asked me if i supported the Episcopalian people i stated yes they had been the most compassionate to me he stated you support there Gay Bishop i stated i support thr Episcopalian Church his reply they meet here in one hour i then noticed the female Episcopal Priest upstairs in the loft where they met i stated to her i needed to talk to her he then ran up to the loft and talked to her came backdown told me the lady would see me at service4 and to get off the church property i went to Starbucks had coffee when i returned the female Presbyterian minister was there i explainned to her what happened and explainned out front on your church sign it reads ALL-ARE-WELCOME the female minister apoligized to me and was sincerely sorry for the remark made by her parishoner but he didnt have what it took to appoligize Washington D.C. sucked total insanity its been real rough lately getting much support from the churchs to preare replaceing the winter geart i need the Catholic and Methodist and Episcopalian people have been good to me but other then that very difficult April 26th 2010 is almost here thasts when this journey ends from here on out iam just going to roam meet people and party

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