Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

iam in Somerset Pennsylvania i got here lastnight Sunday i stopped by a Methodist Church aand explainned to a female minister about my journeys and some of the stuff i needed she talked o her congregation for me and they gave me some money i had intended to leave the area that night but i was tired and dirty and it was a hully ride so i rode about eight miles iup 31 north to the next town and found a hotel with restaurantt they let me rent a room without identificattion the female minister was also going to try and re-order my licence the next morning after breakfast while talking with a waitress i decided to see if someone would take me u[ a 3 mile hill i went to a methodist church to talk to the pastor about getting a ride up the hill and the thing i know in walks the female pastor she was very u[set the thought i lied to her because i had stayed one extra night i tried to explain i was tired and needed a rest for the night she didnt seem to believe me i guess the ground breaking for the September 11th 2001 will not take place in Shanksville and the 9-11-01 crashsite until November but i will do the tribute now its starting to chill off at night and its been a very hilly and at times steep climb its a beautiful morning in Somerset Pennsylvania

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