Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

i came back into Marritta Ohio somehow i lost my license back tracked about 50 miles and didnt leave it at the super 8 motel now i have to check the presbyterian church lastnight i went into a bar and got alot of jealously concerning the freedoms of my journeys but atleast this time the people admitted it this area seems to have quite a bit of crack-cocaine use atleast thats what the conversations in the bar lastnight was it was kind of a biker bar i sure thought i had my identification when i went into the bar and then all at once i noticed it gone i may spend one more day here if i cant find my identification its going to be a pain in the neck replaceing it its a beautiful day in the state of Ohio but the people have kind of an attitide that they are better on this side of the river then the people in West Virginia i sure havent seen it that way lastnight i just sat and listened to the people complain about Obama and how he was sinking this country before President Obama they wined about President Bush they were blameing society for their being buried in dept it was kind of funny listening to the conversation its starting to chill up at night fall and my last winter are slowly approaching as i head towards Maine for the winter

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