Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Lost Soldier The Ultimate Price To Pay

the date today is Friday March 5th 2010 iam at the Modern Motel in Vinton Iowa 302 north K Avenue Vinton Iowa the Methodist people put me in for the night lastnight i stopped at a Moose Lodge #328 in Washburn Iowa and had a pretty cool time partied with a couple dykes as we discussed my journeys and the fact i was rideing for all to live their lives as they chose as long as it didnt infrenge on anyone else i got a couple free shots and a pitcher of beer i then made the ride into Vinton Iowa and stopped at the United Methodist Church and talked with the secretary she contacted some lady and we talked over the phone i was trying to earn enough money to get this bicycle tuned up and once again with no rescue missions around it was a motel & restaurant voucher for 2 meals the weather is starting to warm up i made the ride into Shellsburg Iowa iam at the public library this morning i stopped at a Catholic Church in Vinton and was told a nunn would be there when i got to the church she was gone and the priest wasnt there a couple were at the church i was trying to figure out how to get this bicycle tuned up what it boiled down to is who the hell are you what do you want heres 10 bucks get the heck out of our all-white little town Cedar Rapids Iowa is next from there iam not sure one can ride the interstaes in Iowa and i do ned to keep heading south but that will take me back into Missouri around St. Louis and ive had more trouble in Missouri then any State i will decide that later Iowa has been kind of a strange attitude i think i would like to end my journeys by heading back into the Southern United States Arkansas Kentucky and into Ohio its a beautiful spring day in the state of Iowa i will decide tomorrow which way to go Cedar Rapids is next

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